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How to create a lasting first impression in your home

  • 09/01/24
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As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is not true only for people but also for our homes. When a family member, friend or even a neighbour steps foot into our home for the first time, the first thing they see is our hallway or porch. These areas are the first glimpse into our personal space and can set the tone for the rest of their visit yet most homeowners forget about the importance of these areas. To create the best first impression it’s important to make sure these spaces are well-decorated and welcoming. 

Setting the scene from outside

The exterior of your home sets the scene, offering an enticing teaser of what lies within. First and foremost, a lick of paint can do wonders in sprucing up the facade. The colour you opt for should not only bring a smile to your face, but also harmonise with your home's architectural style and period.
When it comes to greenery, keeping things neat and tidy is a must. Trim back any unruly plants or shrubs and consider adding a splash of colour with a careful selection of blooming flowers. Your driveway, or the path to your front door too, should be clear and hazard-free - an inviting path for visitors or prospective buyers to tread.

A front door is more than just a physical barrier; it's a key component in your home's kerb appeal. A sturdy, weather-resistant door offers both safety and style but pay attention to the details - the door handle and knocker may seem minor but they can make a significant impact.
Sprucing up your home's exterior doesn't need to be an exhausting task. With a touch of paint, some garden care, and a dash of attention to detail, your home can impress at the very first glance.

Lighting up your porch

The power to create the right mood often comes from the style of lighting you choose. The right choice of light can envelop your porch in an inviting glow that beckons visitors, setting the stage for a cosy welcome. As an older homeowner, you might want to consider convenience in addition to aesthetic appeal. That's where motion-sensor lights shine - they automatically illuminate the area when movement is detected, a useful feature when you're juggling grocery bags or fumbling for keys.

If you're aiming for a more traditional and timeless look, lantern-style lights or wall sconces mounted on each side of your door are worth exploring. These classic lighting fixtures not only bathe your porch in warm light but also add an elegant touch.

But lighting your porch doesn't always have to be about functionality. In fact, it can be a chance to play and experiment. Imagine, for instance, draping a string of twinkling fairy lights across your porch during the festive period or for special celebrations. It's a simple addition, but one that can transform your porch into a magical space, enchanting guests even before they step inside.

The key to good porch lighting is balance. You don't want to overpower the space with too much light, but neither do you want to leave it too dimly lit. It's about finding the right combination that not only ensures visibility but also helps to accentuate your home's best features.

Making the most of your hallway space

Hallways often remain unnoticed or underutilised in the realm of home décor, yet they present a wonderful opportunity to express your personal taste. Let's start with a sideboard - it's a versatile piece of furniture that doesn't demand much space but can be a style investment. Whilst providing useful storage, it can also be dressed beautifully. Try adding a vibrant flower vase, or perhaps a collection of family photographs, offering a personal touch that brings a smile to your face when you walk through your front door.

A runner rug can work wonders in hallways, serving dual purposes. Not only does it inject a pop of colour and texture to the hallway, but it also acts as a protective layer for your flooring. For those with a seemingly endless hallway, there's a little trick to play on the eyes. Mirrors, when placed strategically, can give the illusion of a wider, brighter space, all the while adding a touch of elegance.

The hallway can also serve as a functional area of the home. Why not consider a stylish coat rack or a vintage umbrella stand? These practical additions help keep clutter at bay whilst contributing to the overall aesthetics of the space. And as we discussed earlier, lighting plays a pivotal role in setting the right mood. Try to maximise the natural light filtering through windows or doors and supplement it with well-placed lamps or wall lights to ensure a welcoming ambience.

Make sure it sparkles

While sprucing up your porch, hallway and exterior creates a delightful first impression, it's equally essential to keep your home in tip-top condition. You've heard the saying, "a stitch in time saves nine", and it rings true when it comes to home maintenance. Little efforts now will prevent big repairs later.
Firstly, let's talk about cleanliness. Making sure your porch, front doors, and windows are clean will do wonders for your home's appearance. Cobwebs and grime have a knack for gathering in corners, so routinely brush them away. Make it a habit to wipe down the door handles and porch railings too. It's surprising how a quick dust-off can make things shine!

Next, pay attention to your windows. Sparkling windows not only look inviting from the outside, but they also let in more light, creating a bright and cheerful atmosphere inside your home. Not to mention, clean windows offer a better view of your garden or the street outside. So whether you choose to do it yourself, or hire a professional window cleaner, ensure your windows are gleaming.

Your paintwork is another area worth your attention. Peeling or chipped paint can take away from the overall appeal of your home. Regularly check your exterior walls, porch, and front door for any signs of wear and tear. A fresh coat of paint not only revitalises the look of your home but also provides a protective layer against the elements.

Maintenance isn't merely about aesthetics, it also says a lot about the pride and care you take in your home. Your well-kept home not only creates an inviting atmosphere for visitors but also makes it a pleasure for you to live in. With regular attention and a bit of elbow grease, your home will not only look great, but it will also stand the test of time. Keep in mind, a home well cared for, is a home well loved.