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Moving home with pets: Ensuring a smooth transition

  • 07/08/23
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Moving to a new home is an adventure in itself, but when you have furry or feathered friends in tow, the process can become a little more stressful. Whether you have a loyal Labrador, a curious cat, or even a chatty parrot, moving home with pets requires careful planning and preparation.

Here are our tips when it comes to moving home with pets:

  • Plan in advance
    Just as you would meticulously plan every aspect of your move, allocate time to chart your pet's journey as well. Research pet-friendly venues and make sure you know where all of your pets amenities are; – where can they go out to safely explore? Where can you buy their food? Where is the local vet?
  • Update your pet's microchip and/or ID tags
    As new places can be unsettling for pets, it’s important to update their ID tags and microchip details to reflect your new address and contact information. Doing this ahead of moving day will increase the chances of a safe return, should your pet go astray during the move.
  • Create a Pet essentials kit
    Prepare a separate bag for your pet, containing their food, water, medication, preferred toys, blankets, and any other items that provide solace. You’ll need to make sure this is somewhere handy and doesn’t get packed away on moving day. Having these essentials readily available will help keep your pet comfortable during the journey and help them with an easier transition during the early days in their new home.

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  • Maintain routine
    Pets thrive on routine, so aim to stick to their feeding, walking, and playtime schedule as much as possible before, during, and after the move. Consistency will help limit their stress and unease.
  • Give them a safe place in your new home
    Upon arriving at your new home, establish a secure space that is just for your pet. This could be a quiet room with their bed, toys, and water bowl, which is safely away from noise and areas where your family will congregate. You can then introduce them gradually to the rest of the house, one room at a time, to prevent overwhelming them.
  • Pet-proof your new home
    Just as you would childproof a new home, you need to make sure it's safe for your pet too. Your pet would have known your previous home inside out, but as this is new territory for them, they will need your help to identify and learn what is and isn’t safe. Inspect for potential hazards such as exposed cords, open doors or gaps, toxic plants in your garden, or small objects that could be ingested.

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  • Sustain health and wellness
    Continue your pet's regular exercise routine and monitor their eating habits. Stress can impact pets in the same way as us, so watch out for any unusual behaviours or health changes and consult a vet if necessary.
  • Say hello to your neighbours, and introduce your pet too
    This will depend on what type of pet you have (let’s face it, you probably won’t be taking your pet rabbit to meet your new neighbours), but your dog may benefit from meeting new neighbours and their pets. This will not only help your pet feel relaxed in their new surroundings, but it will also, help your neighbours feel comfortable around your pet.
  • Be patient 
    Moving home is a significant change to your pet’s lifestyle, and they might need time to fully adjust. Remember, you will have had time to adjust to the idea of a new home and gotten excited. Your pet will only know that something is changing on moving day, so it will naturally take them longer to adjust. Be patient and understanding during this transitional phase, ensuring that you offer plenty of affection and reassurance to help them feel secure.

We all know that moving home can be stressful on people, let alone pets. Moving home with pets requires planning, patience, and a generous dose of affection. You know your pet better than anyone, so keep a close eye and respond to their needs, as they adjust to their new home.

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