Electricity circuit breakers can trip for a number of reasons, but there is usually an easy fix. Learn what to do if your electricity trips.
Central heating and hot water
- 22/02/22
All the materials and structures in your home are brand new. It will take a bit of time for them to settle down and get comfortable. Here are some useful pointers to help you protect your home during this process.
Decorating your home and drying out
- 16/02/22
All the materials and structures in your home are brand new. It will take a bit of time for them to settle down and get comfortable. Here are some useful pointers to help you protect your home during this process.
Home security
- 16/02/22
Whether you’re out and about or tucked up inside, you want to know that you and your home are safe from intruders. Here are the security features we’ve built into your new home.
What is a Residents Management Company?
- 30/01/22
All developments have shared spaces, like private estate roads, play areas and open green spaces. These areas are managed by a Residents Management Company. Learn about the RMC responsibilities.
The Managing Agent
- 30/01/22
Our developments benefit from a Management Agent, who is responsible for areas of maintenance. Find out more about the role of a Management Agent.
Estate Charges
- 30/01/22
Every resident pays an annual estate charge to cover the cost of all works that need to be undertaken on behalf of the RMC.
Carbon Monoxide detector
- 12/01/22
A Carbon Monoxide detector is an essential piece of safety equipment. Learn more about the carbon monoxide detector that is fitted in your new home.
Trees, shrubs and landscaping
- 03/01/22
The trees and shrubs in your garden have been carefully planned and agreed with the local authority. Some may not even be planted yet and will be added in the next planting season. Learn more about your new garden.
Your appliance warranties
- 02/01/22
If you have any issue with your kitchen appliances, you should contact the manufacturer directly as they will only respond to you as the customer once you have registered your appliance with them.